

We invite you to read each meditation and then read the chapter that goes with it. Let the text of each chapter inform you about God and how you can live for Him today.

1 Chronicles, history old-testament
1 Corinthians, epistles new-testament
1 Kings, history old-testament
1 Samuel, history old-testament
1 Thessalonians, epistles new-testament
1 Timothy, epistles new-testament
2 Chronicles, history old-testament
2 Corinthians, epistles new-testament
2 Kings, history old-testament
2 Samuel, history old-testament
2 Thessalonians, epistles new-testament
2 Timothy, epistles new-testament
A Chronological Bible Reading Schedulestudies-plans
Acts, acts new-testament
Amos, minor-prophets old-testament
Colossians, epistles new-testament
Daniel, major-prophets old-testament
Deuteronomy, old-testament pentateuch
Ecclesiastes, old-testament wisdom
Ephesians, epistles new-testament
Esther, history old-testament
Exodus, old-testament pentateuch
Ezekiel, major-prophets old-testament
Ezra, history old-testament
Galatians, epistles new-testament
Genesis, old-testament pentateuch
Habakkuk, minor-prophets old-testament
Haggai, minor-prophets old-testament
Hebrews, epistles new-testament
Hosea, minor-prophets old-testament
Isaiah, major-prophets old-testament
Jeremiah, major-prophets old-testament
Job, old-testament wisdom
Joel, minor-prophets old-testament
John, gospels new-testament
Jonah, minor-prophets old-testament
Joshua, history old-testament
Jude, epistles new-testament
Judges, history old-testament
Lamentations, major-prophets old-testament
Leviticus, old-testament pentateuch
Luke, gospels new-testament
Malachi, minor-prophets old-testament
Mark, gospels new-testament
Matthew, gospels new-testament
Micah, minor-prophets old-testament
Nahum, minor-prophets old-testament
Nehemiah, history old-testament
Numbers, old-testament pentateuch
Obadiah, minor-prophets old-testament
Philemon, epistles new-testament
Philippians, epistles new-testament
Proverbs, old-testament wisdom
Psalms, old-testament wisdom
Revelation, new-testament revelation
Romans, epistles new-testament
Ruth, history old-testament
Song of Solomon, old-testament wisdom
Titus, epistles new-testament
Zechariah, minor-prophets old-testament
Zephaniah, minor-prophets old-testament

All content is Copyright © Skip Andrews and free to use and duplicate.